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This mini ebook is a part story, part guide on how we manged to manifest each other unintentionally. 


The story of our relationship is kind of wild and could be used in a sappy romantic comedy. Everything had to be in perfect synchronicity for this to happen and it's wild to sit back and think that if one of us didn't do one little thing we wouldn't have met each other.


We share the story of how we met, how we ended up following our hearts after knowing each other for 3 days and all the steps we took before hand to manifest, a now beautiful and healthy relationship.


This ebook is for the person ready to meet a special someone and learn what it takes to do so. 


We are not responsible for you falling in or out of love. We are simply sharing our experiences and what worked for us. 


Peace, love and carrots, 

How We Found True Love Ebook

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